It's that time of year again when our excellent school system presents their fabulous growth and development videos and with that comes some interesting conversations at our house! Some of these conversations have been very enlightening. I've seen a glimpse of what goes on in Queenie's head, and it sure has been interesting.
Conversation while watching a movie:
Queenie, "Can you do it when your pregnant?"
Me, "Yes"
Queenie, "Why? Oh, wait. That's how you get twins, right?"
Monkey, "Duh!"
Me, "No, that is not how you get twins. Sometimes people just do it to do it."
Queenie, "Gross."
Dinner conversation:
Queenie, "When I grow up, I'm going to be a safari girl. I'm going to work in the jungle and stuff and I don't want the weight of having a husband and a baby on my shoulders."
Breakfast conversation:
Queenie, "So when you date you spend all your time together but when you get married you do things separately because you get on each others nerves."
I was starting to think my daughter was having a distorted look on what marriage is about. At ten her view of marriage looked like it was more of a burden than an adventure. I didn't really get it because my husband and I are sickeningly close. Why would she feel this way? Is this how she saw our marriage? I have to admit I was a little worried that we had somehow scared our daughter and would be paying many therapist bills in the future.
However, my worries diminished last week with a call from Queenie's teacher. She informed me that Queenie had been busted passing love notes to a particular boy in the class. I don't know which is worse, a daughter that thinks marriage is a life sentence or a daughter who is boy crazy. My gut tells me it isn't the latter. All I can say is , oh my, I think I'm going to have my work cut out for me!