Well, I did it! I know for sure that this time I have done the one thing that will secure me the title of Mother of the Year. For all you other mothers out there, it's over. There's nothing you can do that can top me. I've been working my entire parenthood for this honor and I am pleased to say that today I accomplished that goal! Yes, today I did the one thing that every mother only dreams of doing. Okay, maybe dreams isn't the appropriate word. It's more along the line of a nightmare, but I did it! I forgot my son's birthday.
Now it's not like I completely forgot Monkey's birthday. We had a weekend long celebration commemorating it, complete with a nerf gun war, slumber party and a cake that resembled a soccer ball. All was well in our household that was until today at 10:29 when I realized I had shuffled my child out to school with out breathing a word about the significance of the day.
In my defense, I first must point out that it is Monday. Everyone whose anyone knows that Monday's are rough. Especially coming off a two day sugar bender (that soccer ball cake had like three inches of frosting on it). I was tired. We all woke up late and the kids had fifteen minutes to get dressed, eat breakfast, pack bookbags and complain about the contents of their lunch. The only thing on my mind this morning was crawling back into bed, which of course was just a fantasy.
After my darlings left I began to do my Monday morning ritual, which is basically what I call play on Facebook until I'm motivated enough to start catching up from the weekend. After I had tended to my crops on Farmville I decided it was time to make some coffee. It happened while I was filling the coffee pot with water. As I listened to the water flow from the facet I looked over and noticed the remnants of the weekends celebratory cake. I thought to myself, "Hmmm, should I have a slice?" That's when it hit me! Holy moly! Today is Monkey's birthday.
Immediately I jumped into action. In my negligence as a parent I not only forgot to send him off with a "Happy Birthday" goodbye, but I also forgot the covenanted birthday snack. It never took me so long to get to Kroger. Store bought cookies would have to do.
By the time I reached the school most of my tears were dry. I could only imagine what my poor Monkey was thinking. I could envision him sitting in the corner of his classroom with a blank stare wondering what he must have done to deserve such a terrible mother. This is the type of moment that can define a kid for the rest of their life. I wrecked my son.
I had the school office call him down, I wanted to hand deliver these cookies. I was too anxious to wait for him to make his way down the hallway, so I met him halfway. He was surprised to see me.
"Hi Monkey!" I squealed, embracing him in my arms, guilt seeping from my skin. "I forgot to give you your birthday snack. Happy birthday."
He looked at me confused. At that moment I realized that he had forgotten too!
"Oh, thanks mom," he said. "Phew, I thought I was in trouble when they called me down to the office. See you later."
And that was it. Thank God! I didn't damage my son. All I can say is that tonight I will make the best spaghetti dinner ever followed by several hours of smothering.
I can say one good thing did come out of the crisis this morning..I remembered that it was my husband's birthday as well. In my frantic trip to the store I was able to pick up the makings for a Key Lime Pie, his favorite. Fortunately for me he was asleep during all of this and will never be the wiser!
Happy birthday to my lovely ten year old boy and my wonderful husband. I must now go write my acceptance speach for Mother of the Year.
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Congratulations on your honor, I'm sure I'll de-thown you by tomorrow. You should have posted a photo of the cake!!